Thursday, December 24, 2015

Eyelash Extensions @ EyeDesign by Devonshire Selected Beauty Salons


I know it has been ages since I last blogged. My last post was like 2 years ago?! Anyway, this is not the main topic for today.

As you can see from my blog title, I am going to share on my eyelash extensions experience!
This is only the second time I did my eyelash extensions.

I did my first eyelash extensions somewhere else. The first time was a really bad experience for me.
The glue was stinging my eyes which causes my eyes to be swollen and watery. I even asked the lady if it is normal to feel stingy and she went like "yes, of course".

Days later, I still felt so uncomfortable that I decided to pluck out all the extensions! I was not even exaggerating. It was really that bad. My eyelids felt heavy and it obstructed my view.

Anyway, back to the topic.

Last week, I was invited to EyeDesign by Devonshire Selected Beauty Salons for eyelash extensions. I decided to go ahead with it as I have heard a lot of good reviews about them. Their lashes are made and imported from Japan!

Look at how pretty and cosy this place is! Doesn't it makes you feel calm and peaceful? Psst, It was so comfortable that I fell asleep throughout the whole session!

They offer a whole range of designs that you can choose from to suit your eye shape. 

                                                    The eyelashes are so soft and natural! 

Was the whole session uncomfortable? NO! You are not supposed to feel any discomfort at all.

May was my eye stylist for the day and she has done a great job! Thank you for the great experience! They have in total of 3 Japanese & 1 local eye stylists. So...what are you waiting for?

                                                 Devonshire Selected Beauty Salons
                                          113 Devonshire Road (Nearest mrt : Somerset)

Book your appointment/call for enquires at 6334 7898.

Quote my name to enjoy $100 for unlimited upper eyelashes for first timers only!